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ISO 27001, B3S, KRITIS, IT-SiKat, TISAX®, VAIT, VDA ISA, §8a BSIG, KritisV, ISO 27002, IT security catalog, ISO 27019, §11 1a EnWG, §11 1b EnWG

Free ISMS ConsultantGPT

Writer's picture: Marc BorgersMarc Borgers

Available at any time and free of charge, the online ISMS ConsultantGPT for quick progress.

The European Union's NIS2 Directive, which will shortly become enforceable in Germany through the NIS2 Implementation Act (NIS2UmsuCG), presents companies with significant challenges in the field of information security. It is estimated that over 30,000 companies in Germany will require guidance and assistance in establishing and maintaining an ISMS, or at least specific components thereof, upon the Directive's implementation. However, the number of qualified consultants available to meet this demand is insufficient. This will result in a significant discrepancy between the directive'


In light of this impending gap, AI could prove an invaluable resource for companies lacking the requisite expertise. While engaging advisors can be time-consuming and costly, ChatGPT offers a fast and affordable way to access information and advice at any time. In the context of the NIS2 Directive, the availability and flexibility of ChatGPT will undoubtedly become a key differentiator. It can help bridge the advisor gap, providing immediate support to companies that require it. ChatGPT is capable of handling not only routine tasks such as creating security guidelines or carrying out risk analyses, but also more complex consulting services. This allows companies to streamline the development and maintenance of their ISMS, while reducing their reliance on external consultants and the associated costs.

It is important to note that sensitive information cannot be entrusted to ChatGPT. It is essential to comply with all relevant legal and company guidelines for handling such data.

But even without personal data or company names, ChatGPT can be very helpful, as long as the company allows the use of ChatGPT. In chapter 8 of the following article you will find information on data protection and suggestions for compliance when using ChatGPT: Open article

ISMS BeraterGPT, ChatGPT, ISMS-Berater, Informationssicherheits-Managementsystem, NIS2-Richtlinie, ISO 27001, Künstliche Intelligenz, Datenschutz, Compliance, Risikoanalyse, Sicherheitsrichtlinien, Automatisierung, Cybersecurity, Beratungstätigkeiten, Informationssicherheit, Unternehmen, KI-Beratung, Datenintegrität, Vertraulichkeit, Schulung, Sensibilisierung, Datenschutz-Grundverordnung, Digitalisierung, Sicherheitsmaßnahmen, IT-Sicherheit, Sicherheitsstrategie, ISO 27001 Compliance, Sicherheitsstandards, Automatisierte Überwachung, Sicherheitsberatung, Textdatei Erstellung, Prompting, KI-gestützte Beratung, Technologische Barrieren, Anpassungsfähigkeit, Menschliche Expertise, Halluzinationen, Prompt-Techniken, Datenschutzbestimmungen, IT-Risiken, Sicherheitsmanagement, Beratungslücke, ISMS-Implementierung, Compliance-Richtlinien, ChatGPT Integration, Sicherheitsdokumentation

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With one click on the paperclip, you’ll be taken to ISMS ConsultantGPT a chatbot powered by OpenAI. Please note that OpenAI runs this bot, and we have no access to or control over any data or answers. We also cannot determine who is using this chatbot. All data processing is carried out by OpenAI in accordance with their terms and conditions.


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TISAX® is a registered trademark of the ENX Association. AUDIT MANUFAKTUR has no business relationship with ENX. The mention of the TISAX® trademark does not constitute a statement by the trademark owner regarding the suitability of the services advertised here. TISAX® assessments to obtain labels are only carried out by the testing service providers listed on the ENX homepage. In our function as auditors for certification bodies, we are prohibited for several years from certifying companies that we have previously supported in the field of information security. This regulation ensures the impartiality and integrity of the certification process.

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